Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Only Court Can Decide On Gold Seized In Raids - Bank Negara

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 22 (Bernama) -- Assets seized during investigation on criminal cases involving illegal financial schemes using gold can only be dealt with via court order.

Source from (Bernama): http://www.bernama.com/bernama/v6/newsgeneral.php?id=704029
Published: October 23, 2012

Bank Negara Malaysia said in a statement here Monday, investors may file third party claim to the court for return of their money or gold, but they would only be notified when court proceedings were over.

The raids to find and seize the assets were to prevent the suspected companies from concealing evidence, other than preventing them from being lost as it would have negative impact on investors.

The statement said that the seized assets and gold during the raids would be carefully documented, accounted for and kept in a safe place.

It was issued jointly with the police, Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry and Companies Commission of Malaysia in response to public queries on raids against companies suspected of conducting illegal financial activities using gold.

The statement said that the investigation is still ongoing but the investigation depends on the complexity and seriousness of the cases.


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