
January 2012  February 2012  March 2012  April 2012  May 2012  Jun 2012  July 2012  August 2012  September 2012  October 2012  November 2012  December 2012  January 2013  February 2013  March 2013  April 2013  May 2013  Jun 2013  July 2013  August 2013 


Fastfact 02 August 2013
Bank Muamalat launches solar PV financing(Business Times)
Muamalat Launch Smart Green Mortgage For Solar Photovoltaic Feed-in Tariff Plan(Bernama)
Pelan tenaga solar - Bank Muamalat(Harian Metro)
Bank Muamalat tawar Solar PV Fit(Sinar Online)

Fastfact 01 August 2013
BiotechCorp eyes RM3bil investments (The Star Online)
BiotechCorp eyes RM3b worth of investments(Business Times)
Biotechcorp eyes RM3 billion worth of investments by year-end(The Malaysian Insider)
BiotechCorp Eyes RM3 Billion Worth Of Investments By Year-end(Bernama)
BiotechCorp Sasar Pelaburan RM3 Bilion Menjelang Akhir Tahun(Bernama)
BiotechCorp yakin jana pendapatan lebih RM3b(Berita Harian)
BiotechCorp sasar pelaburan RM3 bilion(Harian Metro)
BiotechCorp: Bionexus Companies Will Post RM3 Billion In Collective Revenue(Bernama)
BioNexus firms' 2013 revenue to touch RM3b(The Sun Daily)
Perolehan BioNexus RM3b(Utusan Malaysia)


Fastfact 31 July 2013
Ladang solar terbesar(Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 30 July 2013
M'sia, France to venture into renewable energy, transportation and biotech(The Sun Daily)
Malaysia continues to draw French investors (The Star Online)
Malaysia, France To Venture Into New Areas Of Renewable Energy, Transportation And Biotech(Bernama)
Malaysia Dan Perancis Akan Terokai Bidang Baharu Tenaga Diperbahrui, Pengangkutan Dan Bioteknologi(Bernama)

Fastfact 28 July 2013
Kaji teknologi tukar sisa plastik kepada minyak mentah(Berita Harian)

Fastfact 26 July 2013
Pakatan teroka sistem radioterapi ion karbon(Berita Harian)

Fastfact 25 July 2013
Kettha To Form Foundation To Encourage Use Of Green Technology(Bernama)
Kettha Akan Tubuh Yayasan Menggalakkan Penggunaan Teknologi Hijau(Bernama)
Kementerian rancang bina tiga insinerator(Berita Harian)
Kementerian rancang bina tiga insinerator(Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 19 July 2013
Fokus pasaran tempatan dulu(Harian Metro)

Fastfact 16 July 2013
Biosis scouting for new off-market patent(Business Times)
Haemonetics' Investment In Malaysia To Boost Efficiencies In Blood Management Practices Globally(Bernama)
Pelaburan Haemonetics Di Malaysia Tingkat Kecekapan Dalam Amalan Pengurusan Darah Global(Bernama)


Fastfact 12 July 2013
Government Receives Submissions On Greentech Incentives Review, Says Maximus(Bernama)
Kerajaan Terima Pengemukaan Semakan Semula Insentif Teknologi Hijau, Kata Maximus(Bernama)
Bangunan hijau meningkat(Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 11 July 2013
Produk inovasi perlu segera dikomersialkan(Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 09 July 2013
Malaysia Bersedia Seiring Dengan Jiran Asean Dalam Pembangunan Hijau(Bernama)
Dassault To Explore Opportunities In Green Composite Industry(Bernama)
Perancis, Malaysia jalin kerjasama(Sinar Online)

Fastfact 08 July 2013
Three-year-old biotechnology company attributes current high to its products (The Star Online)

Fastfact 07 July 2013
Biotech To Drive Knowledge-based Economy(Bernama)
MIDA targets to surpass RM162b investment achieved in 2012 (The Star Online)
MIDA focuses on high technology to attract investments (The Star Online)
MIDA Focuses On High Technology And Being Business Centric To Attract Investments(Bernama)
MIDA Beri Fokus Kepada Teknologi Tinggi Untuk Tarik Pelaburan(Bernama)
TPM terima RM50,000 untuk program H2S(Sinar Online)

Fastfact 04 July 2013
Invitation to invest in green projects(Business Times)
Malaysia Gears Up With Asean Neighbours In Green Development(Bernama)
Malaysia Bersedia Seiring Dengan Jiran Asean Dalam Pembangunan Hijau(Bernama)
Teknologi hijau makin popular(Sinar Online)

Fastfact 03 July 2013
Jepun dipelawa labur dalam teknologi hijau(Utusan Malaysia)


Fastfact 30 Jun 2013
Worldwide mahu bina insinerator(Sinar Online)

Fastfact 28 Jun 2013
Greentech Malaysia Perkenalkan Rancangan Untuk Rancakkan Teknologi Hijau(Bernama)
Worldwide, IMPSA Sign Co-operation Agreement For Incineration Project(Bernama)
Worlwide sedia bina loji sisa kepada tenaga(Harian Metro)
Bantu pelupusan sisa pepejal(Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 27 Jun 2013
Steel Waste Recycling Project To Be Concluded By August, Says MIDA(Bernama)
Projek Kitar Semula Sisa Keluli Akan Dimuktamadkan Pada Ogos, Kata MIDA(Bernama)
Projek kitar semula dimuktamad Ogos(Sinar Online)

Fastfact 26 Jun 2013
BiotechCorp Aims For 2013 Biotech Industry Investments To Surpass RM1.7 Billion(Bernama)
BiotechCorp aims investments to surpass RM1.7b(The Sun Daily)
Biotechcorp Sasar Pelaburan Bagi Industri Biotek Pada 2013 Melepasi RM1.7 Bilion(Bernama)
Pelaburan Bioteknologi mampu lepasi RM1.7b(Berita Harian)
Sasar tarik pelabur asing, domestik RM1.7b(Harian Metro)
Stanchart Provides RM134 Million Financing To SunEdison For Solar Projects In Malaysia(Bernama)
StanChart provides RM134m financing to Sun Energy(The Sun Daily)
Stanchart Sedia RM134 Juta Pembiayaan Kepada SunEdison Untuk Projek Solar Di Malaysia(Bernama)
Sime, TNB units in biogas joint venture (Business Times)

Fastfact 25 Jun 2013
TNB, Sime in biogas tie-up(The Star Online)
TNB-Sime Darby in biogas venture(The Sun Daily)
New York-listed SunEdison to build solar power plants in Sepang(The Star Online)

Fastfact 24 Jun 2013
Technology Park tarik pelabur(Sinar Online)

Fastfact 21 Jun 2013
Comtec Solar To Start Production In Sarawak By Next Year(Bernama)

Fastfact 20 Jun 2013
Verdezyne Collaborates With BiotechCorp(Bernama)
Verdezyne Akan Bekerjasama Dengan BiotechCorp Untuk Pastikan Peluang Di Asia(Bernama)
bioekonomi: Malaysia komited(Utusan Malaysia)
Tunjuk komitmen ekonomi global berasaskan bio(Harian Metro)
UniMAP Will Develop Solar Technology On Rooftops(Bernama)
UniMAP Meterai MoU Bangunkan Teknologi Solar Dengan Syarikat Jerman(Bernama)

Fastfact 19 Jun 2013
TPM Aims To Secure RM1 Million Fund From More Than 10 Private Angel Investors By Year-End(Bernama)
Malaysia Committed To Bio-Based Economy, Says BiotechCorp(Bernama)
Malaysia Komited Kepada Ekonomi Berasaskan Bio, Kata BiotechCorp(Bernama)

Fastfact 17 Jun 2013
Industri biodiesel perlu produktif pertahan harga MSM(Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 16 Jun 2013
MTDC Eyes East Africa To Promote Malaysian Companies(Bernama)
MTDC Intai Afrika Timur Untuk Promosi Syarikat Malaysia(Bernama)
Sabah hasil 30 juta tan biomas setahun(Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 14 Jun 2013
EU Delegation, Might Discuss Opportunities In High-tech Industries(Bernama)
Government To Develop Renewable Energy Sources - Mosti(Bernama)
Kerajaan Giat Wujudkan Sumber Tenaga Boleh Diperbaharui - Mosti(Bernama)

Fastfact 13 Jun 2013
More investments in pipeline(Business Times)
Industri bioteknologi raih pelaburan asing RM2b(Berita Harian)
Sabah first to spearhead biomass business model(The Star Online)
Teck Guan Starts Bio-ethanol Pilot Project In Tawau(Bernama)
Teck Guan Laksana Projek Perintis Bio-etanol Di Tawau(Bernama)

Fastfact 12 Jun 2013
BTP Workshop Identifies 27 Bioeconomy Projects In Sarawak(Bernama)
BTP workshop identifies 27 bioeconomy projects in Sarawak(The Malaysia Insider)
Bengkel BTP Kenal Pasti 27 Projek Bioekonomi Di Sarawak(Bernama)

Fastfact 11 Jun 2013
Ministry mulls open bidding for solar PV systems(The Sun Daily)
Remaining PV Quota To Be Fully Taken Up In 6 Months: Ministry(Bernama)
Baki Kuota PV Digunakan Sepenuhnya Dalam Tempoh 6 Bulan: Kementerian(Bernama)
Alliance offers solar panel loans(Business Times)
Renowned experts to speak at Biogas Asia-Pacific Forum 2013(The Sun Daily)

Fastfact 10 Jun 2013
BiotechCorp rancang wujudkan Taman Farmaseutikal di Melaka(Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 09 Jun 2013
Mosti Sasar Komersil 360 Produk Dalam Tempoh Lima Tahun(Bernama)
MIFF Marketing To Provide 'Samak' Service To Labuan Halal Hub(Bernama)
MIFF Marketing Sedia Perkhidmatan 'Samak' Kepada Labuan Halal Hub(Bernama)
FRIM Finds Chemical-free Technology To Treat Wood(Bernama)
Frim Bangun Teknologi Rawatan Kayu Getah Bebas Bahan Kimia(Bernama)

Fastfact 08 Jun 2013
FRIM Offers World-class Chemical-free Rubber Wood Treatment(Bernama)
FRIM Bangun Teknologi Rawatan Kayu Getah Bebas Bahan Kimia(Bernama)

Fastfact 06 Jun 2013
AIM unveils 58 business plans(The Star Online)
Agency launches 58 innovation business opportunities(The Sun Daily)
Agensi Inovasi unveils 58 business opportunities(Business Times)
Agensi Inovasi sedia 58 peluang niaga baru(Berita Harian)
58 IBO berpotensi jana RM1.9b(Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 02 Jun 2013
Kerajaan negeri tunai janji bawa masuk pelabur Rusia(Utusan Malaysia)


Fastfact 31 May 2013
Pahang to host high-tech vaccine plant(The Star Online)
Renowned Experts To Speak On Latest Developments In Biogas Industry At Biogas Asia-Pacific Forum(Bernama)
Pahang, Rusia hasil vaksin demam denggi(Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 29 May 2013
Schneider Electric fokus hasilkan teknologi mesra alam(Sinar Online)

Fastfact 27 May 2013
Malaysia bincang kongsi S&T dengan OECD(Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 24 May 2013
SEDA releases 9MW solar PV quota(The Sun Daily)

Fastfact 23 May 2013
MOSTI to look into ways to commercialise products, produce more technopreneurs(The Malaysian Insider)
Mosti To Look Into Ways To Commercialise Products, Produce More Technopreneurs(Bernama)
Mosti To Look Into Ways To Commercialise Products, Produce More Technopreneurs(Bernama)

Fastfact 21 May 2013
MTDC Sasar Lebih Banyak Usaha Sama Dengan Syarikat Mesir(Bernama)
MTDC Eyes More Joint Ventures With Egyptian Companies(Bernama)
MTDC sasar usaha sama dengan Mesir(Sinar Online)
Use green technology incentives, Mida urges investors(The Malaysian Insider)
Use Green Technology Incentives, MIDA Urges Investors(Bernama)
MIDA Gesa Pelabur Guna Insentif Teknologi Hijau(Bernama)

Fastfact 16 May 2013
AWSM bawa teknologi baru(Sinar Online)
Globetronics spends RM40mil on new chips for US and Japan smart mobile devices(The Star Online)


Fastfact 14 May 2013
Over RM120 Bln Worth Of Technologies, Products To Be Displayed At OGA 2013(Bernama)
Lebih RM120 Bilion Nilai Produk Dan Teknologi Dipamerkan Pada OGA 2013(Bernama)
GreenRE pilot projects soon(The Star Online)
Rehda urge developers to undertake more greentech initiatives(The Malaysia Insider)
Rehda calls for more developers to go green(Business Times)
Developers urged to adopt green initiatives(The Sun Daily)
Rehda Asks Developers To Undertake More Greentech Initiatives(Bernama)
Rehda Seru Pemaju Laksana Lebih Banyak Inisiatif Teknologi Hijau(Bernama)

Fastfact 12 May 2013
Biomass Asia to look at turning waste into wealth(Business Times)
Biomass Asia Conference To Address Prevailing Issues In Biomass Sector(Bernama)
Persidangan Biomas Asia Mahu Tangani Isu Lazim Sektor Biomas(Bernama)

Fastfact 10 May 2013
InfoValley brings new technology to equine industry(The Star Online)
1,000 sertai ITEX13(Harian Metro)

Fastfact 05 May 2013
Pembangunan bioekonomi diperluas ke Sabah(Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 02 May 2013
MIDA saran tumpu aeroangkasa, teknologi hijau(Utusan Malaysia)
CCM tingkat tiga segmen niaga (Harian Metro)

Fastfact 01 May 2013
Hub Evolves Into High-tech Manufacturing Activities For Halal Products(Bernama)
Hab Selangor Berkembang Dengan Aktiviti Pembuatan Teknologi Tinggi Untuk Produk Halal(Bernama)
MIDA Calls For Investments In Aerospace, Green Technology And High-value Added Electronic Sectors(Bernama)
MIDA Saran Pelaburan Dalam Sektor Aeroangkasa, Teknologi Hijau Dan Elektronik Nilai Tokok Tinggi(Bernama)
Cyberview Committed To Reducing Carbon Emissions By 21 Per Cent By 2020(Bernama)
Cyberview Komited Kurangkan Pelepasan Karbon Sebanyak 21 Peratus Menjelang 2020(Bernama)


Fastfact 28 April 2013
BiotechCorp raises Phase 2 investment target to RM20bil(The Star Online)
BiotechCorp targets RM20b investmentsa(Business Times)
BiotechCorp Raises Phase 2 Investment Target To RM20 Billion(The Malaysian Insider)
BiotechCorp raises Phase 2 investment target to RM20b(The Malaysian Insider)
Biotechcorp Naikkan Sasaran Pelaburan Fasa 2 Kepada RM20 Bilion(Bernama)

Fastfact 26 April 2013
Malaysia Aims To Be Biopharmaceutical Hub, Producing Cost-competitive Medicine(Bernama)
Malaysia Sasar Jadi Hub Biofarmeseutikal, Keluarkan Ubat Dengan Kos Berdaya Saing(Bernama)

Fastfact 24 April 2013
Biotech sector gets global boost(Business Times)
Malaysia terima pelaburan bioteknologi RM400j(Berita Harian)
Epistar's Led Collaboration And IP Licensing With Intermolecular(Bernama)

Fastfact 21 April 2013
Syarikat Malaysia cipta LED terpantas(Sinar Online)

Fastfact 15 April 2013
TPM looks for ‘win-win’ collaboration to develop technology clusters(The Star Online)
Soraa to raise orders of LED modules(The Star Online)

Fastfact 14 April 2013
Sun + Lite & Power Buys East Germany Solar PV Plant(Bernama)

Fastfact 12 April 2013

Biotech Corp Eyes RM1.75 Billion Investments This Year(Bernama)
Biotech Corp Sasar Pelaburan RM1.75 Bilion Tahun Ini(Bernama)
Pelaburan bioteknologi RM1.75b(Utusan Malaysia)
4 Biotech Investments In Malaysia To Be Announced At BIO Chicago 2013(Bernama)
4 Pelaburan Biotek Di Malaysia Diumumkan Di Bio Chicago 2013(Bernama)

Fastfact 11 April 2013
Majuperak Bio Resources Sertai Tetap Murni Untuk Keluarkan Produk Berasaskan Buluh(Bernama)

Fastfact 10 April 2013
Ministry Aims For 190 MW Of Total Installed Re Capacity By Year-End(Bernama)
Kementerian Sasar Kapasiti RE Terpasang Capai 190 MW Menjelang Akhir Tahun(Bernama)

Fastfact 05 April 2013
Quotas For 20 MW Solar PV Taken Up Within An Hour - SEDA Malaysia(Bernama)
Kuota Untuk 20 MW Solar PV Habis Dalam Tempoh Sejam - SEDA Malaysia(Bernama)

Fastfact 04 April 2013
Masers, Korean firm to develop US$30b project in Malacca(The Sun Daily)

Fastfact 03 April 2013
Comtec Solar To Set Up Rm1.2 Bln Plant In Sama Jaya(Bernama)
Comtec Solar Akan Bina Kilang RM1.2 Bilion Di Sama Jaya(Bernama)
Comtec Solar akan bina kilang RM1.2b di Sama Jaya(Utusan Malaysia)
Melaka Gesa Syarikat Pantau Pelaksanaan Teknologi Hijau(Bernama)

Fastfact 02 April 2013
BiotechCorp opens new satellite office in Penang(The Star Online)
BiotechCorp opens satellite office in Penang(Business Times)
BiotechCorp Buka Pejabat Satelit Baharu Di Pulau Pinang(Bernama)
Ahmad Hadri is GreenTech's new CEO(Business Times)
GreenTech Malaysia Appoints Ahmad Hadri As New CEO(Bernama)
Greentech Malaysia Lantik Ahmad Hadri Sebagai CEO Baharu(Bernama)


Fastfact 21 March 2013
Calls on banks to boost green tech lending(The Sun Daily)
Banks More Forthcoming With Financing For Green Technology(Bernama)
Bank Lebih Bersedia Beri Pembiayaan Bagi Teknologi Hijau(Bernama)
Bank sedia untuk biayai projek hijau(Sinar Online)

Fastfact 19 March 2013
Bio-XCell, Agila Biotech team up for RM107m facility in Johor(The Sun Daily)
Bio-XCell, Agila Biotech Seal Agreement For Customised Biotech Facility(Bernama)
Bio-XCell, Agila Biotech Jalin Perjanjian Wujud Kemudahan Biotek Khusus(Bernama)

Fastfact 13 March 2013
AT, Asia Bioenergy sign supply agreement(The Star Online)

Fastfact 12 March 2013
Everprosper Food Industries Bags best New Product Award 2013 In Germany(Bernama)

Fastfact 11 March 2013
Biofutures raises RM151mil capital(The Star Online)
Biofutures raises STG32.5m via share placing(Business Times)
Kilang CJ Bio mula operasi 2014(Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 10 March 2013
Biofutures buys Malaysian biofuels firm(Business Times)
CJ Bio Aims For Bio-Methionine Plant To Start Operations By 1Q14(Bernama)
CJ Bio Sasar Kilang Bio-Metionina Mula Operasi Suku Pertama 2014(Bernama)

Fastfact 05 March 2013
TECHNOLOGY Park Malaysia Aims To Disburse Service Contracts To 265 Biotech Entrepreneurs(Bernama)
TECHNOLOGY Park Malaysia sasar 265 usahawan (Sinar Online)
TECHNOLOGY Park Malaysia sasar tawar 265 kontrak(Harian Metro)
CJ Bio ready to double investment(Business Times)
New proposed degression rates for solar PV technology(The Star Online)
Government Announces New Proposed Degression Rates For Solar PV Technology(Bernama)
Kerajaan Umum Cadangan Baharu Kadar Penurunan Berperingkat Teknologi Solar PV(Bernama)


Fastfact 20 February 2013
UMT Sediakan RM500,000 Untuk Pertingkat Pusat Penyelidikan Di Kenyir(Bernama)
Bio-Borneo 2013 To Spur Biotechnology Development(Bernama)
Bio-Borneo 2013 Akan Rangsang Pembangunan Bioteknologi(Bernama)
Sabah Capable Of Making Malaysia Global Biotechnology Hub(Bernama)
Sabah Mampu Jadikan Malaysia Hab Bioteknologi Global: Ongkili(Bernama)
Sabah Iktiraf Bioteknologi Sebagai Pemangkin Pertumbuhan Sumber Ekonomi Baharu Negeri(Bernama)
MDV Collaborates With Biotechcorp For MY2GEN(Bernama)
MDV sedia RM200j program MY2GEN(Berita Harian)

Fastfact 17 February 2013
Johor pengeluar utama makanan(Utusan Malaysia)


Fastfact 31 January 2013
Zenotec Biotech To Invest RM3.06 Million In New Product Development(Bernama)

Fastfact 16 January 2013
Malaysia's Green Tech Financing to hit RM1.2b this year(The Star Online)
Financing scheme for green technology has disbursed RM300mil so far(The Star Online)

Fastfact 09 January 2013
GE Lighting Partners LBS To Provide LED Solutions For D'Island Residence(Bernama)

Fastfact 02 January 2013
3 foreign firms keen on Bio-XCell's scheme(Business Times)


Fastfact 31 December 2012
Igem catat RM1.3 bilion(Harian Metro)

Fastfact 30 December 2012
3 lagi ladang solar bakal dibina(Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 29 December 2012
Malaysian NGV, Jeffa To Fund RM7 Billion Regasification Plant(Bernama)
Malaysian NGV, Jeffa Biayai Loji Pengegasan Semula RM7 Bilion(Bernama)

Fastfact 28 December 2012
Malaysian NGV And Jeffa Holdings To Fund Mega Green Project(Bernama)

Fastfact 27 December 2012
Making homemade paper from pineapple-leaf fibre (Business Times)

Fastfact 25 December 2012
Shell fokus teknologi alam, jimat tenaga(Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 24 December 2012
Malaysia's Green Economy Faces Bright Future(Bernama)

Fastfact 21 December 2012
Malaysia cuts teeth in implant business(The Star Online)
SIRIM Collaborates To Produce Facial, Oral Titanium Implants(Bernama)
Sirim Hasilkan Implan Tulang Muka Lebih Murah, Berkualiti(Bernama)
Baja IBGM masuk Vietnam(Berita Harian)


Fastfact 20 December 2012
Optimising use of nanotechnology(Business Times)

Fastfact 19 December 2012
Bio-Economy Important Tool To Turn Malaysia Into High-Income Nation, Says Uggah(Bernama)
Bio-Ekonomi Penting Menjadikan Malaysia Negara Berpendapatan Tinggi, Kata Uggah(Bernama)
CCM's Unit To Sell, Distribute Insulin Products In Malaysia, Brunei(Bernama)
CCM unit to sell, distribute insulin(The Star Online)
Malaysia's CCM gets licence for insulin products from India's Biocon(The Star Online)
Anak Syarikat CCM Akan Jual, Edar Produk Insulin Di Malaysia, Brunei(Bernama)

Fastfact 16 December 2012
Pharmaceutical tech park to draw RM1.5bil(The Star Online)
Biotechcorp, DRB Hicom Collaborate To Set Up A RM500 Million Pharmaceutical Park In Melaka(Bernama)
Four firms to build RM500m pharmaceutical park in Malacca (Business Times)
Biotechcorp, DRB HICOM Jalin UsahaMama Buka Taman Farmaseutikal Rm500 Juta Di Melaka(Bernama)
RM1b green loans disbursed(Business Times)
Ministry Hopes For 3-5 Per Cent Green-tech Compliant New Buildings By 2030(Bernama)
Kementerian Sasar 3-5 Peratus Bangunan Hijau Baharu Menjelang 2030(Bernama)

Fastfact 14 December 2012
Solartech To Invest RM500 Million For Plant Expansion(Bernama)
Solartech to invest RM500mil for plant expansion(The Star Online)
TS Solartech plans RM500m expansion (Business Times)
Solartech Labur RM500 Juta Bagi Pembesaran Kilang(Bernama)
Panasonic Starts Production At New Malaysian Solar Module Plant(Bernama)
Panasonic starts making solar panels in Kulim plant(Business Times)
Panasonic starts solar plant ops(The Star Online)
Panasonic Memulakan Pengeluaran Di Kilang Modul Solar Baharu Di Malaysia(Bernama)
Panasonic keluar kemudahan modul solar(Harian Metro)
FRIM ready to produce biodiesel(The Star Online)

Fastfact 12 December 2012
Mosti Records RM5.9 Billion Sales For RD&C Projects Under 9MP(Bernama)
MOSTI Catat RM5.9 Bilion Nilai Jualan Bagi Projek R,D&C Sehingga Ogos - Ongkili(Bernama)


Fastfact 11 December 2012
Ecer Jadi Tumpuan Pelabur Industri Bioteknologi(Bernama)
Orthopaedic products expected to cost 30% less(The Star Online)
Malaysia Semakin Hampir Jadi Hab Ortopedik Serantau(Bernama)
Malaysia jadi hab ortopedik serantau(Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 08 December 2012
Loji oleokimia di Pulau Indah(Utusan Malaysia)
Syarikat Itali buka kilang oleokimia ester(Berita Harian)
ICM's Oleochemical Plant To Generate Over RM400 Million Cumulative GNI By 2020(Bernama)
Kilang Oleokimia ICM Jana Lebih RM400 Juta PNK Kumulatif Pada 2020(Bernama)

Fastfact 07 December 2012
Peranan MTDC Sebagai Pemangkin Perniagaan Teknologi Diiktiraf(Bernama)
Lima syarikat berpotensi besar(Harian Metro)
Stesen Janakuasa Kubota Dijangka Beroperasi 7 Jan - Chin(Bernama)
Stesen Janakuasa Kubota beroperasi 7 Januari: Peter Chin(Berita Harian)

Fastfact 06 December 2012
Malaysia di landasan betul(Utusan Malaysia)
Muslims Countries Urged To Unite And Develop Nanotechnology(Bernama)
Negara Islam Digesa Bersatu Dan Bangunkan Teknologi Nano(Bernama)

Fastfact 05 December 2012
Najib Says Malaysia Well On Its Way To Developing Clean Technology(Bernama)
Malaysia Di Landasan Yang Betul Dalam Membangunkan Teknologi Bersih - Najib(Bernama)
IGEM 2012 Generates RM1.3 Billion In Business Transactions(Bernama)
MIGHT, NanoMalaysia Tie Up To Improve Global Access For Nanotechnology Industries(Bernama)
MIGHT, NanoMalaysia Bekerjasama Tingkatkan Akses Global Industri Nanoteknologi(Bernama)

Fastfact 01 December 2012
Chin: Switching to LED bulbs can save government RM800mil annually(The Star Online)
Government Buildings Save RM3.5 Million In Electricity Bills, So Far This Year(Bernama)


Fastfact 30 November 2012
Kelantan Biotech Aims To Market Products Nationwide Next Year(Bernama)
Kelantan Biotech Sasar Pasarkan Produk Ke Seluruh Negara Tahun Depan(Bernama)
UniMap To Set Up Global Green Technology & Geoplymer Network(Bernama)
UniMap Tubuh 'Global Green Technology And Geopolymer Seven Network'(Bernama)

Fastfact 22 November 2012
MPB Plans To Make Lembah Perasing A Biotech Hub For Terengganu(Bernama)
MPB Rancang Jadikan Lembah Perasing Jabor Hab Industri Biotek Di Terengganu(Bernama)

Fastfact 21 November 2012
Banking industry urged to support green projects(The Sun Daily)
Pemaju perlu manfaat teknologi hijau(Utusan Malaysia)
Parliament: Malaysia Will Not Face Electricity Crisis - Peter Chin (Bernama)
Malaysia tidak akan hadapi krisis tenaga elektrik: Peter Chin(Berita Harian)

Fastfact 17 November 2012
Saintis hasilkan otot tiruan(Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 12 November 2012
BiotechCorp develops innovative projects to achieve RM26bil goal(The Star Online)


Fastfact 10 November 2012
Better high-tech world for children?(The Star Online)

Fastfact 09 November 2012
BiotechCorp: Fund can boost bioNexus-status companies(The Star Online)
Biotechnology Commercialisation Fund Can Boost BioNexus-status Firms, Says BiotechCorp(Bernama)
10 syarikat status BioNexus mohon dana(Harian Metro)
Dana Pengkomersilan Bioteknologi Dijangka Rangsang Firma Status Bio-nexus: Biotechcorp(Bernama)

Fastfact 08 November 2012
Malaysia, India Sign MOU On Renewable Energy(Bernama)
Good response to Central Hub biotech park(Business Times)
More foreign firms to invest in Bio-Xcell(The Star Online)
RM44.7j bangun hab Bio-Xcell (Harian Metro)
Tiga Lagi Syarikat Asing Akan Melabur Dalam Bio-Xcell(Bernama)
Perak Tubuhkan Pusat Kecemerlangan Untuk Meningkatkan Teknologi Hydro -- Zambry(Bernama)
Biotech investment target revised(The Star Online)
Biotechcorp Investment Target Revised Upward To RM26 Billion(Bernama)
BiotechCorp sasar pelaburan RM26b(Berita Harian)
BiotechCorp Tingkat Sasaran Pelaburan Kepada RM26 Bilion(Bernama)
New quota for FiT programme in Q1 next year(The Star Online)
Peter Chin Woos Indian Firms To Partake In Malaysia's Renewable Energy Sector(Bernama)
Malaysia continues climb up value chain(The Star Online)
Rebates On Energy-efficient Products Captured 40 Per Cent Market Share -- Chin(Bernama)
Seda announces release of 20MW of non-individual solar PV FiT quotas(The Star Online)
Seda Malaysia Announces Release Of 20MW Of Non-individual Solar PV FiT Quotas(Bernama)
New Quota For FiT Programme In Q1 2013(Bernama)

Fastfact 07 November 2012
Peter Chin Holds Bilateral Talks With Indian Counterpart On Renewable Energy(Bernama)
India’s renewable energy industry interested in Malaysia’s feed-in-tariff system(The Star Online)
Peter Chin Adakan Perundingan Dua Hala Dengan Rakan Sejawatan Di India Mengenai Tenaga Diperbaharui(Bernama)
Optimis 10,000 pelawat sertai RCW(Sinar Online)


Fastfact 06 November 2012
Kuasai ilmu teknologi hijau(Utusan Malaysia)
Vehicle infotainment systems to be worth RM44b(The Star Online)
Malaysian Firms Must Collaborate To Tap Potential Of Global 'Connected Car' Market(Bernama)
Mida - Teroka sektor potensi tinggi(Harian metro)
Biotech sector flourishing and surpassing RM9bil target(The Star Online)
Biotechnology Flourishes This Year With Investments Exceeding RM9 Billion(Bernama)
Bioteknologi Berkembang Maju Tahun Ini Dengan Pelaburan Melebihi RM9 Bilion(Bernama)
Ongkili: Many Nations Now Strengthening R&D, Commercialisation(Bernama)
Ongkili: Banyak Negara Kukuhkan R&D, Pengkomersilan(Bernama)
Mitsubishi funds bioenergy research in Sarawak algae(The Star Online)

Fastfact 03 November 2012
UMP Meterai MoU Dengan Hexagon Green Untuk Projek Agroteknologi Dan Bioteknologi(Bernama)
NanoMalaysia, IBM Ink Nanotechnology R&D Pact(Bernama)
NanoMalaysia, IBM Meterai Perjanjian R&D Nanoteknologi(Bernama)
Government Confident Programmes Like WIF-KL Will Boost Innovations From Malaysians(Bernama)
Kerajaan Yakin Program Galakkan Seperti WIF-KL Dapat Merakyatkan Inovasi Menjelang 2020(Bernama)
Sarawak’s BBC Holdings to build RM13mil biogas plant(The Star Online)
Sarawak Receives 22 Applications For Biomass Projects(Bernama)
Sarawak Terima 22 Permohonan Bagi Projek Biojisim(Bernama)
Bintulu Biogas Plant Pioneers Membrane Tech In Palm Oil Milling(Bernama)
Loji Biogas Bintulu Rintis Teknologi Membran Dalam Dalam Pengilangan Minyak Sawit(Bernama)

Fastfact 02 November 2012
Proposal to raise green loan ceiling to RM100m(Business Times)


Fastfact 31 October 2012
MTDC To Sign MoU With South Africa To Explore Business Opportunities(Bernama)
Unimas Project To Produce 1 Tonne Of Sago Sugar Daily(Bernama)
Produk sagu bernilai tinggi(Utusan Malaysia)
Unimas Mahu Keluarkan 1.0 Tan Metrik Gula Sagu Sehari(Bernama)

Fastfact 24 October 2012
UEM Land in JV to develop tech park in Iskandar(The Star Online)
S’pore, Malaysia govt firms agree US$1.2b Iskandar project(The Malaysian Insider)
UEM Land, Singapore's Ascendas To Develop Tech Park In Nusajaya(Bernama)
RM3.7b bina taman teknologi bersepadu(Berita Harian)
Unit UEM Land Dan Ascendas Land Majukan Gerbang Nusajaya(Bernama)
Kerajaan Lebar Sayap Industri Sains, Teknologi & Inovasi Ke Persada Antarabangsa Melalui WiF-KL(Bernama)

Fastfact 23 October 2012
Two-Way Communication Vital To Boost Green Technology Industry, Says MOSTI(Bernama)
Komunikasi Dua Hala Penting Untuk Perkasakan Industri Teknologi Hijau, Kata MOSTI(Bernama)

Fastfact 22 October 2012
More bite for pro-green law(The Star Online)

Fastfact 21 October 2012
Go green by using handkerchiefs(The Star Online)
Pemberian pinjaman dipermudah(Berita Harian)
Science And Innovation Carnival Continues To Attract Public Interest(Bernama)


Fastfact 19 October 2012
Malaysia Makes Notable Achievements In Promoting Green Building Movement, Says MGBC(Bernama)
Malaysia Capai Kejayaan Memberangsangkan Dalam Pergerakan Bangunan Hijau, Kata MGBC(Bernama)
Mida aims to attract more high-tech investments(The Star Online)
MIDA To Attract More Hi-tech Investments (Bernama)
Mida sasar lebih banyak pelaburan teknologi tinggi(Sinar Online)

Fastfact 17 October 2012
Teknologi Inovasi Solar Launches Two New Air Conditioning Products(Bernama)
Bahan plastik mesra alam sekitar(Sinar Online)

Fastfact 16 October 2012
IGEM jana jualan RM221 juta(Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 12 October 2012
Government To Build Three Green Technology Incinerators(Bernama)
Government to build three green technology incinerators(The Malay Mail)
MyHijau semua produk(Berita Harian)
Emery Oleochem to invest US$50m in Cincinnati expansion(Business Times)
M'sian headquartered Emery to spend RM153mil on expansion of US facility(The Star Online)

Fastfact 11 October 2012
Malaysia Targets 5.5 Per Cent Total Energy Capacity From Renewable Sources By 2015(Bernama)
Malaysia hab pengeluaran solar panel(Berita Harian)
Syarikat AS Berminat Jadikan Malaysia Pusat Industri Solar PV, Kata Peter Chin(Bernama)
RM2j dana tambahan projek solar(Harian Metro)
Bumi Armada’s green project(The Star Online)
Panasonic sees good response to green initiative (Business Times)
Panasonic terajui teknologi hijau IGEM 2012(Sinar Online)
Buying green won’t save energy(The Malay Mail)


Fastfact 10 October 2012
Chin: Be realistic on green project loans(The Star Online)
Experts: M'sia needs to step up and invest more in technology(The Star Online)

Fastfact 09 October 2012
Taiwan targets trade of US$350m in green technology with Malaysia by 2017(The Malaysian Insider)
Taiwan sasar RM1.073b pelaburan dalam industri hijau(Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 08 October 2012
Mini Petai's Potential In Biotechnology Industry High, Says Najib(Bernama)
Kertih gets RM2b bio-tech factory (Business Times)
Continue lead role in green tech, govt urged (Business Times)

Fastfact 03 October 2012
RM2.7b for green projects (The Star Online)
Green tech financing starts to gain traction (Business Times)

Fastfact 02 October 2012
Malaysia Creates History With First Halal Pharmaceuticals Guidelines(Bernama)
Malaysia terajui piawaian halal bidang farmaseutikal pertama dunia(Utusan Malaysia)
50 green projects to be approved next year(The Star Online)
50 projek hijau tahun depan(Harian Metro)
RM815m green loans approved(Business Times)

Fastfact 01 October 2012
50 Projek Hijau Diluluskan Tahun Depan(Bernama)
Weida to build biogas plant(The Star Online)


Fastfact 27 September 2012
Kerteh BioPolymer Park To Draw RM7 Billion Foreign Investment By 2015(Bernama)
Tanaman Petai Belalang Untuk Bangunkan Industri Bioteknologi Terengganu(Bernama)

Fastfact 25 September 2012
Malaysian biodiversity advantage(The Malay Mail)
Seda Malaysia anjur latihan hidro(Sinar Online)

Fastfact 24 September 2012
Industri bioteknologi jana perolehan RM695.5 bilion(Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 23 September 2012
Malaysia hasil 80 juta tan biojisim sawit tahun lepas(Utusan Malaysia)
We'll surpass FDI target, says Biotech Corp chief (Business Times)
Projek baharu jadi sandaran industri bioteknologi(Utusan Malaysia)
MDV sees RM973mil deals this year(The Star Online)


Fastfact 19 September 2012
Industri bioteknologi jana perolehan RM695.5 bilion(Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 15 September 2012
Fasa pertama kilang Biocon operasi 2015(Berita Harian)
Fasiliti R&D Insulin Biocorn Siap Menjelang Akhir 2014(Bernama)

Fastfact 14 September 2012
Terengganu terima pelaburan biotek RM7 bilion(Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 10 September 2012
Palm Oil Industry To Adopt Green Technology, Says MPOC(Bernama)
Biofuel dikomersialkan pada abad ke-21(Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 09 September 2012
Biofuel Dijangka Dikomersilkan Pada Kurun Ke-21, Kata Profesor UMS(Bernama)

Fastfact 06 September 2012
Konsep francais bergerak(Harian Metro)


Fastfact 31 August 2012
Biotechcorp teams up with Sedia to uplift bioeconomy(The Star Online)

Fastfact 30 August 2012
Malaysia On Track For Biomass: Palm Oil Production Ratio By 2020(Bernama)

Fastfact 29 August 2012
Sime Darby & TNB To Proceed With Feasibility Study On Biogas Project(Bernama)

Fastfact 23 August 2012
OCK intai perniagaan tenaga boleh diperbaharui(Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 21 August 2012
KITARAN Potensi2 juta Simpak(Harian Metro)

Fastfact 17 August 2012
Projek Elektrik Solar Di Tujuh Pulau Di Semporna Hampir 70 Peratus Siap(Bernama)

Fastfact 14 August 2012
Camco Sea To Build US$4 Million Biogas Plant In Pahang(Bernama)
Camco bangun projek tenaga biogas di Pahang(Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 06 August 2012
Transforming wood residues to energy(The Star Online)

Fastfact 04 August 2012
KMB bina ladang solar RM46 juta(Berita Harian)

Fastfact 03 August 2012
Potensi besar industri mobiliti(Harian Metro)


Fastfact 31 July 2012
BAE marks 5 areas for investment(The Star Online)

Fastfact 30 July 2012
BAE identifies 5 areas for M'sian investment(Business Times)
Empat bidang baru yang perlu diterokai Sarawak(Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 29 July 2012
ABT To Complete Acquisition Of Hexa By August(Bernama)

Fastfact 25 July 2012
Energy Ministry aims to use remaining RM700mil(The Star Online)
Green fund to be fully disbursed by year-end (Business Times)
Germany's Altona proud to call Malaysia home(Business Times)

Fastfact 19 July 2012
ECER Collaborates With Korea's Chungnam Technopark(Bernama)
MoU kongsi inovasi(Berita Harian)

Fastfact 17 July 2012
Penang firm partners China's JiaCheng in JV to produce renewable energy in Msia(The Sun Daily)
Iris majukan kampung pintar di Pahang(Berita Harian)
Fama tingkat hasil pertanian(Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 16 July 2012
Mustatapa: Green car initiative the way forward(The Edge Malaysia)


Fastfact 13 July 2012
Holcim Calls For Green Building Certification To Be Made Mandatory(Bernama)

Fastfact 12 July 2012
Government To Build Hi-tech Waste Disposal Plants With Green Technology Concept - Cho(Bernama)

Fastfact 10 July 2012
Greentech Inks MoU With MIGHT To Enhance GTFS (Bernama)

Fastfact 05 July 2012
215 BioNexus firms to invest RM2.6b (The Sun Daily)
ADT Biotech eyes bigger share of regional market (The Star Online)
Firma Jerman (ADT) buka operasi di Malaysia (Berita Harian)

Fastfact 03 July 2012
Hi-tech venture with Japan to boost greenhouse projects (Business Times)


Fastfact 27 Jun 2012
Matrade to hold green technology forum tomorrow (Business Times)

Fastfact 23 Jun 2012
MYBiomass plans Johor plant (The Star Online)
UM temui BioPro Diesel potensi jana RM40 juta setahun (Sinar Online)

Fastfact 22 Jun 2012
BiotechCorp urges companies to boost IP protection (Business Times)

Fastfact 21 Jun 2012
Gevo to build RM1.65b plant (The Star Online)
Kilang bioisobutanol pertama dunia dibina di Kerteh (Berita Harian)
BiotechCorp drives commercialisation of Malaysia’s biotech sector (The Star Online)
Investments worth RM3bil sealed at BIO Boston (The Star Online)
Malaysia woos RM3b biotech investments (Business Times)
Lima perjanjian RM3b dimeterai (Berita Harian)
Malaysia going all out to attract foreign investors (Business Times)
CCM ventures into biosimilars for kidney failure (The Malay Mail)
MITI: Public Health, Safety Not Compromised By Lynas Plant (Bernama)
Curtis: Lynas ikrar untuk jalankan operasi secara selamat (Sinar Online)

Fastfact 18 Jun 2012
Mustapa explains Lynas tax perk (Business Times)x
Perks For Lynas To Generate Spin-offs For Local Industries (Bernama)
Ronser Bio-Tech to set up RM2mil plant (The Star Online)
Ronser Bio-Tech bina kilang RM2j tingkat teknologi MBS (Berita Harian)
Global biotech industry faces tight funding (The Star Online)
BiotechCorp set to launch social media webcast in Boston (The Star Online)
Biotech Corp, California group in tie-up (Business Times)
Kerajaan negeri digalak tumpu industri bioteknologi (Berita Harian)

Fastfact 16 Jun 2012
Ongkili To Lead Business Delegation To Boston Biotech Conference (Bernama)
MIDA anjur seminar untuk vendor tempatan (Berita Harian)

Fastfact 14 Jun 2012
RM7bil project in Kertih (The Star Online)
Pelaburan RM7b di Terengganu (Berita Harian)


Fastfact 31 May 2012
Malaysia tarik pelaburan RE (Utusan Malaysia)
Oil palm biomass being sent from M'sia to Italy to be made into industrial sugar (The Star Online)
Opportunities await local firms in renewable energy (The Star Online)
Khazanah: Lots of potential in renewable energy market (Business Times)

Fastfact 26 May 2012
BiotechCorp aims big (The Star Online)
BiotechCorp targets FDIs (Business Times)
BiotechCorp sasar tarik RM4b FDI (Berita Harian)

Fastfact 25 May 2012
CCM Duopharma eyes opportunities in generic drugs (The Star Online)
ABT posts higher net loss of RM20m (The Star Online)
Sugar from 360,000 tonnes of biomass (The Star Online)

Fastfact 23 May 2012
Govt urged to speed up B5 (The Star Online)

Fastfact 20 May 2012
Economies Should Deploy Smart Grid Tech, Say Experts (Bernama)

Fastfact 17 May 2012
Green tech finance plan awaits nod (Business Times)


Fastfact 15 May 2012
GreenTech gets extension on loan quota (Business Times)

Fastfact 11 May 2012
Infineon pumping in RM4bil (The Star Online)
Infineon Technologies AG labur RM4b (Berita Harian)
Johor RM62bil refinery and petrochemical project timely (The Star Online)
Rapid lonjak industri minyak di selatan Johor (Harian Metro)
Teknologi hijau tingkat dagangan Malaysia-Taiwan (Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 10 May 2012
Huge potential for oil palm biomass (Business Times)

Fastfact 09 May 2012
Anaerobic digestor plant site to be finalised (Business Times)
Rare Earth Experts Impressed With Lynas Facility (Bernama)

Fastfact 08 May 2012
RM3.9b biomass deals (The Malay Mail)

Fastfact 07 May 2012
Biomass products gain demand (The Star Online)
Pengeluar pelet terbesar (Harian Metro)
Detik ties up with S. Korean firm (Business Times)

Fastfact 05 May 2012
Biomass pulls in RM3.5bil(The Star Online)
Malaysia terima FDI RM3.5b dalam sektor biomass(Berita Harian)
Enquiries on potential biomass projects pour in(Business Times)
The Three Little Tigers have not been very robust in their biotech ventures(The Star Online)

Fastfact 04 May 2012
Two foreign companies to invest about RM3.5b in Biomass plants (The Edge Malaysia)


Fastfact 21 April 2012
First Solar laying off 550 workers through VSS (The Star Online)
Persijilan teknologi hijau (Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 20 April 2012
USIM, BiotechCorp lancar makmal halal (Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 18 April 2012
No decision has been made on palm oil access to America’s biofuel market (The Star Online)
Malaysian dilemma on biodiesel exports (The Star Online)
CTRM Looking At RM1 Billion Revenue By 2015 (Bernama)
CTRM sasar perolehan RM1 bilion menjelang 2015 (Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 13 April 2012
BAE Systems, Might to cooperate on tech R&D (The Sun Daily)

Fastfact 06 April 2012
KSL Resort set to be a hit among travellers (Business Times)


Fastfact 30 March 2012
Managing solid waste efficiently (Business Times)
First food waste treatment plant by 2014 (Business Times)

Fastfact 28 March 2012
'MTDC has helped 89 tech firms under 9MP' (Business Times)
Healthcare sector a powerful engine of economic growth (Business Times)
TNB to buy energy generated from waste (The Sun Daily)

Fastfact 27 March 2012
EPA’s decision on palm oil a step backward for US (biodiesel) (The Star Online)

Fastfact 26 March 2012
Malaysia, Indonesia Refute EPA Report On Palm Oil-based Biofuels (Bernama)

Fastfact 23 March 2012
1MBAS seeks ways for all to enjoy biomass benefits (The Star Online)
Oleochem industry fuels growth (Business Times)

Fastfact 22 March 2012
Eco products expo to clinch RM1.5b deals (Business Times)

Fastfact 21 March 2012
MIGHT-y good prospects for biomass (Business Times)

Fastfact 19 March 2012
MDeC eyes RM2b investments for ICT service sector (The Malay Mail)
Pelaburan ICT Malaysia terus kukuh (Utusan Malaysia)
MIGHT Partners Graduates With Industry On High-tech Jobs Programme (Bernama)
Study: Malaysia must move up the value chain (Business Times)


Fastfact 16 March 2012
I-BLESS platform pertemuan industri bioteknologi (Utusan Malaysia)

Fastfact 14 March 2012
Malaysia’s focus on high-tech investments (The Star Online)
Technip bags Petronas' Rapid design deal (Business Times)
Technip dapat projek RAPID PETRONAS (Berita Harian)
EU guna ‘tayar hijau’ (Harian metro)

Fastfact 08 March 2012
Rancang terbit bon Islam -EMERY Oleochemicals (Berita Harian)

Fastfact 07 March 2012
PETRONAS, BASF SE kendali produk kimia di Pengerang (Berita Harian)

Fastfact 06 March 2012
First Panasonic solar plant outside Japan (The Malay Mail)
Malaysian biomass sector attracts interest (Business Times)


Fastfact 29 February 2012
Pasdec, ECERDC, Biotechcorp to jointly develop gelatine plant (The Sun Daily)
Bangun kilang gelatin halal - ECERDC (Harian Metro)

Fastfact 27 February 2012
Bosch seeks cost-saving technology to produce solar panels(The Star Online)
Kerjasama bangun rumbia Sarawak (The Star Online)

Fastfact 21 Februari 2012
Tax spotlight on green building materials(The Star Online)
Cukai binaan hijau dikurangkan(Utusan Malaysia)
Sunny days for Flextronics' solar business(Business Times)
Ministries to come under the spotlight(Business Times)

Fastfact 20 Februari 2012
Petronas Chemicals upbeat(Business Times)

Fastfact 17 Februari 2012
Downstream O&G sector poised to become new money spinner – Najib(The Sun Daily)
Biodiesel set to flow nationwide(Business Times)
Blended fuel slowly gaining popularity(Business Times)
Petronas Chemicals going big in urea manufacturing(The Star Online)
PCG mahu jadi nombor 2(Harian metro)


Fastfact 16 Februari 2012
Malaysia in right path towards “Greener” place(Bernama)
CIDB: Label hijau Julai ini(Utusan Malaysia)
Compugates set to win RM2b solar jobs in Sabah(Business Times)

Fastfact 13 February 2012
Tapping biomass to the max(The Star Online)

Fastfact 09 February 2012
S. Korea to help in clean tech prospecting(The Sun Daily)


Fastfact 31 January 2012
US findings on palm oil biofuel 'absurd and ridiculous'(Business Times)

Fastfact 30 January 2012
Palm-biofuels fail to meet US green standards: EPA(The Sun Daily)

Fastfact 26 January 2012
Soleco bantu Melaka lupus sisa industry(Berita Harian)

Fastfact 20 January 2012
TNB tells contractors to use Greentech (Hi-tech)(Bernama)

Fastfact 11 January 2012
1Machine technology confident of high sales for its internet security solution(Bernama)

Fastfact 10 January 2012
Binapuri Norwest dapat kuota jana tenaga solar (Berita Harian)
Generate More Renewable Energy to Overcome Depleting Resources, says energy commission (Bernama)

Fastfact 09 January 2012
Ekonomi hijau dijangka rancak (Utusan Malaysia)
Kuat memori (Harian Metro)
Holcim perkenal dua produk simen hijau mesra alam (Utusan Malaysia)


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